Natural Motion Shoeing, Inc.

Telephone: 770-207-4942                

Email :

To be able to continually correct horse

structural discomfort and lameness
requires a keen eye that identifies
subtleties in their movement...”

Professional Overview

Love, passion and expertise make Freddie a unique talent.  His goal is not to just trim and shoe each horse he works on the same trechniques.  Just like humans each horse is unique and reqiures a more holistic and detailed view to ensure proper horse comfort and balance.  This knowledge and understanding has been nurtured over years and thousands of horses.

Below is a chronological view of how Freddie came into the farrier business and how he has nurtured and grown his knowledge and expertise:

* In 1979 Apprenticed at 12 years old in St. Croix, Virgin Islands under Bob Flemming for two years, later to become a Journeyman under Flemming in St. Croix until moving to the United States (Georgia) in December 1989.

* Proper Balance Movement- Freddie worked with Tony Gonzales from 1993-2002.

* Certified Journeyman II in 1994 under Ralph Casey and Tony Gonzales.

* Animal Communication Clinic with Adel Tate, Spring  1996. 
* Equine Science Lab/Clinic, University Georgia Veterinary School, Athens, GA; November 9, 2011. "Proper
  Biomechanics & Hoof Mechanics"

* Gene Hill- Master Farrier- 20 year relationship

* Freddie Garcia named "DIVISION I CHAMPION HIGH POINT" Farrier at the  GPFA 30th Anniversary Forging
  Contest at UGA Athens, GA   October, 2010

* American Farrier Association (Member)

* Georgia Professional Farrier Association (Member)